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‘Can you lend your cock for me suck, I am really thirsty.’ Daphnis asks him with his hissing throat, for he is so thirsty that he can barely talk. The youth nodded with a mild smile. Daphnis bends down swiftly, lowers his head and applies his burning lips to the watery glans. His lips envelop the whole circumference of the glans with some difficulty (for it is too big for Daphnis’ tender mouth to hold), gliding up and down on the watery surface and letting the glans moisten them as the rivulet moistens the pebbles with its flowing streams. But his mouth is still burning. Now Daphnis stretches out his tongue and begins to lick into the urethra, as if trying to find more water in its source. Vehemently his tongue digs deeper and deeper, trying squeezing into the urethra through its narrow opening. His efforts seem to have their desired results, for it seems that now more creamy liquid starts to emanate from the urethra and flow into Daphnis’ mouth. Encouraged by this, Daphnis digs even. . and this evening was no exception. Every so often during dinner I'd fondle and stroke the necklace, knowing full well it just made poor Roger think all the more about doing exactly that with my naked breasts. With ALL of me, let's face it.Any case he really was drooling that night – guess it was the combination of the necklace and my semi exposed breasts – and something about that, plus the way he was blabbing on about how I was so much younger and prettier than his wife, how much he wanted to make love to me, something about all this made me feel particularly naughty. So I let him carry on embarrassing himself for a while, flirty little smile on my face, and then I suggested he take me to a club after dinner and after that... "Who knows?" I grinned, "Back to my place, maybe." Hinting very strongly that tonight was finally his lucky night. God you should have seen the desire and expectation all over his face. It was hilarious. Giggle.It was even more hilarious at the club. Once.
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