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Tee hee! :-)Anyway, I know it was gay, and I know I'm straight, but the place I was at was well named. I was in Heaven! The pulsing beat, the heady heat, the smell of sweat and pheromones drifting up to our nostrils, all helped me along, and I started getting a bit weak at the knees I was so randy."I need to go somewhere quieter," I shouted at Rash. He nodded and took his hand out of my pocket. Then we got back down off the raised bit and he walked me back out to the foyer. From here we both had our hands stamped, then went out the front door and into the cool darkness beyond.I must say I was pretty much high by now, and when Rash put his arm round me and nibbled my ear I found myself responding by grabbing his bollocks. He guided me to a quiet corner just round from the club, and we loosened each other's belts, then he wanked me off in my jeans while I did the same to him.It was very different from when I've been tossed off by a girl. Because he's a bloke he knows exactly, and I do. After some more of Sandy's face fucking, Clive pulled up behind her for some doggy style thrusting. I lay on my back with Sandy's mouth tonguing my groin area and Ted was on his back licking her clit and pussy lips as Clive pounded it to her. Sandy was constantly moaning her pleasure around my cock as Clive and Ted were busy giving her pussy the workout it wanted. She was sucking furiously on my cock, tugging and pulling on my cock and balls trying to coax the cum from me. Her hungry mouth was really sucking me hard from the noises she was making with it. I could feel my balls were squirming their fresh load as she heated them up to the boiling point. My cock was giving that old twitching feeling in my balls as the impending eruption burst like thunder from my cockhead. She moaned her pleasure as she won the cock sucking battle with a load of my freshly squeezed cum straight from my now tired nut sack. Clive was busily stroking her clinging pussy with the same powerful thrusts he.
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