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We’ll start with that dingbat lady from the House of Lords who advocated a male-only curfew. In fact, of course, the House of Lords is one of the first institutions to be abolished. It goes immediately onto the chopping block. No time at all for pontificating life peers and hereditary peers and worse.“This is still a provisional government, of course, both for North America and for the UK, but make no mistake. There will be sweeping changes, dramatic improvements, and drastic measures in my reforms. One major step will be a serious pushback against all of that crazy Fourth Wave feminism bullshit, not to mention the absurd and ludicrous provisions of family law which penalize men, particularly fathers.“Not to mention that we’ll have to create a single currency for my commonwealth, and when we do, my face is very much going to be on it. As Leviathan and nothing else. No more of this dollar or pound or Euro nonsense. One of our first moves in terms of transforming society will be. When my English boss I was fooling around with sucking his cock all the time made me to horny I'd call Mark my fuck buddy for a good lay. There was no miss understanding when I called, he knew exactly what I wanted. He always spent the night but took off first thing the next morning. I always wished he’d stick around awhile longer because I love a good fuck in the morning but he never did and that’s what made me eventually stop calling him. One evening when he was particularly toasted his kinky side showed up. We were in bed and he was eating my pussy which I always enjoyed. He said "You are cleanest girl I've ever been with."I thought "What the hell kind of dirty girls have you been with?!?"Pulling my outer lips open with his fingers and licking my clit then running his tongue up and down my slit drove me crazy. Each time he went down a little lower then he just started eating my ass hole. I mean really giving it a tongue lashing. A complete rim job. That was a first for me and.
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