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"I couldn't help it, Sasha's pussy felt too good, her slick juices making our humping fast and hot."Gonna cum!"Sasha quickly jumped off and started jacking my cock while aiming it in her mouth. Her lips so close they were nearly touching my cock."Come on and give me some tasty cum."That one sentence pushed me over the edge and I started to cum. My cock pulsing with each shoot of spunk firing into Sasha's mouth. I groaned as I finished. My whole body twitched as Sasha flicked her tongue out to lash the end of my cock and get the last drop from my cock.I looked down at her as she swallowed my load. She was looking at my cock almost like she was drunk. She looked back at me."Gardens at the front get you a blow job."I gasped as her hot mouth enveloped my softening cock. I shuddered and groaned."Deal."Sasha rubbed my balls with one hand, while the other was rubbing her pussy while she sucked the head and first few inches of my cock. I groaned as I quickly hardened in her mouth. She was. It was also known that he was a black belt in karate which deterred anyone from taking liberties in his class. Because we respected him and trusted him as a teacher and knew he would not stand for any nonsense, we readily agreed."I have heard from an authoritative source close to one of our volunteer models, that since they began their week together as buddies in the Naked in School Program Joey and Susan have become an item," he said with a smile.The class responded to this comment with cheers and a burst of laughter for they all knew that the authoritative source was probably Joey's mom."That being the case," He continued, "If our romantically involved couple has no objection we will make the theme of this study, 'Young love.' and ask them to pose accordingly,"This caused more cheers and whistles probably as it was a surprise to others that I had chosen to become Joey's girl friend. Before the week began, I would not have dreamed that he would ask me out or that I would have.
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