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I move back to your neck and with surprising tenderness rub up your neck and occipits. Pausing for a brief instant, you feel my breath on the backside of your neck and quiver internally with anticipation as my lips close softly on the little soft spot at the nape of your neck. I pull the sheet back up and fold it to the side to expose one hip and leg. My hands glide under the sheet to deeply knead the muscles of your ass ( and maybe steal a little grope, too) and then slide down your thighs. Being careful not to let eager fingers travel to places they aren’t welcome, I massage your thighs and ass carefully. I work the outer portion of your hip and thigh and slide down to aggressively massage your calf. Slowly, as not to tickle, I lift your foot and massage it with gentle hands. I tug each toe and roll it between my fingers and caress up and down the sole of your foot with my thumbs. My mouth closes over your Achilles tendon and I suck it softly as my tongue strokes it. Then I move. .I have no clue what you're talking about." The exhibitionism, silly. Now get rid of that outfit."Sharon felt her face turn pale. Everything that Lottie just said sounded wrong, so so wrong. She wanted to deny she was ever interested in such a thing, but she revealed that secret long ago and Lottie hadn't forgotten since. Her voice was reduced to silence and little stammers, only for the poor shy girl to squeak in surprise as her friend tugs on her top to get the point across.Sharon knows she has no choice. Lottie is always serious about stuff like this, and it isn't the first time she's embarrassed her purple-haired friend just for fun. She sinks her head down under the window so nobody can see her and begins to remove her outfit, piece by piece. Soon, a neat pile of folded clothes lay beside her, consisting of a jacket, a top, a skirt and a matching set of striped bra and panties, all topped off with her socks and shoes. Sharon sat there with her bare bottom on the leather seat,.
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