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I ran my thumb across the ribs and exaggerated folds then immediately concluded that my Big Bird’s rumpled foreskin had to be the most repulsive thing I’d ever seen and I had to have it! Big Bird slipped in under my left side, nudged my leg up in his usual fashion and poked his stiff hot penis into my pussy. As he began his usual thrusts, Minnie whipped off her nightgown crawled over to my right side and began to trace her fingertip all around my vulva. Using Big Bird’s patented technique, she slipped her fingertip into me beside his penis then began slow circles around it, as well as pokes between each of his strokes while sucking my right nipple. After a few excruciating moments of that torture, she removed her finger, eased her lithe little right leg between Big Bird and I, planted her slippery tongue in my mouth then began to hump her pubic mound against mine. Big Bird continued pumping but on one long stroke I felt his penis slip out. I guess the silly old fool didn’t. "They followed another bend in the road and found a parking lot. Bill located a space and parked. Another man with a cart was in the parking lot and approached them as Bill got out of the car. "Edward, what are you doing here?"In response, Edward fingered the red collar that hung around his neck. "Sir, I would be happy to see to your luggage." Edward, what in the world did you do to get punished?" Bill asked in a friendly voice."I was disrespectful to Mistress Destiny, and she insisted that I get at least one weekend of the red collar Sir." Edward replied.Bill frowned and handed over the three bags that were in the trunk. Edward attached paper tags to the three and wrote on them."Edward, allow me to introduce Jennifer, who is going to experience her first weekend as a Sub. Is Mistress Destiny here this weekend?" Bill asked."Nice to meet you Jennifer. Sir, I haven't yet seen Mistress Destiny, but I believe she will be here this weekend." Thank you Edward, and feel free take your time.
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