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Anthony Johnston."Mr. Jennings, you are the husband of the late Victoria Jennings?" Yes I am, what has this got to do with Vicky?" Are you familiar with the name of Terence Sandford, Mr Jennings?" There can't be many people who haven't heard of him, but of course I have. Vicky used to work for him when we lived in Sunbury." Thank you, Mr. Jennings, it seems that you are the man we need to talk to. Unfortunately, this is a matter that can't be dealt with over the phone. Could you come into our office so that we can discuss it? We'll pay you full expenses including loss of earnings, irrespective of the outcome."I realised I couldn't lose so I made an appointment. I arranged for Will and Zoe to go to Mum's in case I was late getting home, and on Wednesday morning I set off for London.My experience was that solicitors always kept you waiting, much to my surprise, I was shown into Johnston's office as soon as I arrived.Anthony Johnston was a tall well-built man in his fifties. I sized him. My eyes went wide, as a new stimulation went through me, “Oh my God! Yes!”She returned her attention to my pussy, driving her tongue deep inside me. I was overwhelmed and was barely holding it together at this point."Don't stop, don't stop please, I need this," I yelled, a little manic. "Yes, unngh, yes, yes."I was right at the edge when she reached with her left hand and started to furiously rub at my clit. Finally, that sent me over the edge and I felt an even more powerful orgasm rock me as my whole body jerked and shuddered."Unnggh! Yes! Oh, yes! UNNNgh, Oh wow," I cried out.Susan pulled away from my overstimulated pussy as I shuddered and gasped, making her way to my side. For my part, I let my legs collapse to the bed. I tried to catch my breath, as every once in a while I could feel my pussy twitch from a second smaller wave following up.I felt weak and a little numb as I turned over to face my best friend. She leaned in to give me a small kiss.Pulling back, she settled in next.
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