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Pick out a color, and you can go try it on, see if it fits.”She scrutinized the sweaters for a moment, then pointed to a green one.“That one’s a little ... festive,” he mumbled, “but if that’s what you want...” He pulled it off the rack and handed it to her, then guided her over to one of the changing booths. They too were around eight feet tall, this store had clearly been built with the aliens in mind. “See if that fits you, I’ll wait outside. No, close the door so that people can’t see you.”She closed the door to the booth, the hinges squeaking, and Jules heard her begin to shuffle. After a moment, he heard a bump, and then the door slowly began to swing open. She must have knocked her elbow against it or something. Zuki’s vest was lying on a bench in front of her, and her back was to him, the sweater pulled halfway on. Her arms were most of the way into the sleeves, but it looked like she couldn’t locate the hole for her head, struggling with the garment. She must not have known. ”“Well, I do take them everywhere they want,” Carter pointed out.“Yeah. You’re soft,” Aron chuckled.“Someone’s got to be. Hey, it’s like I’m the good cop, and you’re the bad cop!” Carter exclaimed.His husband hushed him with another kiss.Then, Aron stopped and frowned.“Hey, why am I the bad cop?”It was Carter’s turn to laugh.“Frankly, I think they are a tiny bit afraid of you. Deidre told her friends in kindergarten that her dad is as big as a mountain. And that her daddy, aka me, is just a little smaller. Of course, that was an exaggeration. But they believed her.”“I don’t think they are afraid,” Aron glared.“They are. Although you wouldn’t believe Freddie and what kind of explanations he’s coming up with for your behavior.”“My behavior?” Aron exclaimed.This time, Carter hushed him.“It’s okay. They need the ground rules,” Carter whispered, sneaking his hands under his husband’s t-shirt.Even in his forties, Aron still had the same awesome hard body. Carter could feel himself.
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