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5 minuets into our usual evening fuck, I notice something else that’s becoming quite usual... her mother would take a seat on the balcony of the two bedroom apartment *only 1 foot from the open bedroom window... I suspect Marina was just as aware as I was that her mom would come to listen to us fuck, have a smoke and usually finger herself to our squeaks and moans that were all too regular and predictable.tonight as I shoved my fat cock into my bitch in regular fashion - I was particularly turned on by the idea that her mom was “listening in”. So I got heavy with the “dirty talk” - ***”God your cunt is tight"! “fuck that’s some good pussy”! “Spread those legs for me”! All said loud enough for the entire building to hear around midnight!and that’s when we were sure Peppi had been listening in - moans of ecstasy came from the balcony along with some mumblings in Bulgarian about cock n tight pussy er something. We both giggled and=d thought it was hot! Marina then blew my mind when she. Dan was looking at her while she talked and thought she was intelligent but she was also a little older than he first thought when he saw her. Maybe she had some work done to make her look younger but he wasn’t sure and that was a question he couldn’t ask her. He had that thought because her hands looked like those of an older person.Paula asked Dan about himself and he told her about him recently retiring and in general what he did for work before retiring. He mentioned the no income tax thing as his reason for relocating to Florida. Paula said they were also considering that as a factor in relocating when her husband retired.When Dan asked her if she worked she said she helped her husband in his business.“What does your husband do?”“He is a mortician.”Dan paused for a few seconds and then asked her, “Does he have cold hands?”“What?” and after a few seconds she started laughing and was loud enough that it attracted the attention of other diners.“That was not the response I usually.
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