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He sucked on the nipple and gently bit down. She ran her fingers through his hair and held his head against her breast. It felt nice what he was doing. She felt arousal building in her sex. He alternated between breasts and occasional French kissed her on the mouth. They stayed that way for an hour, maybe two, she didn't keep track of the time only the thought that she didn't want him to stop.When he did stop she thought, Is that all? She expected more. Before she could ask he said, "I promised to take it slow. We went far enough for tonight." She went toward the bathroom where she left her clothes. "Do me a favor, don't wear a bra when you are with me. You have no need for one, your breasts don't sag. Although it isn't absolutely necessary, I would also prefer button down the front blouses, and you might consider showing off more cleavage. You should be proud of your breasts, they are perfect." When she came back she stuffed her bra in her purse.When he walked her to her door and. On the next day when 2 of my colleagues finished the call it was my turn when entered the conference hall I was surprised that her bra strap was again visible I didn’t know whether it was by intentional or unintentional.I just ignored it as I had nothing to do with that also no men are making fun of that now. We started conversation as how I am, how she is, how things are going and all and she thanked me I asked for what she told about incident took in event. I said its ok (I didn’t know what to tell for that) she asked why didn’t I tell her directly or message me directly, I said I felt it wasn’t good talking about that to a girl for which she said not to hesitate, you can talk directly to me.The moment I heard those words I told her to cover her bra. She told she knew it is visible she wanted to know whether you still I hesitate to tell or not. We laughed and we talked about concerns that team had about manager and she assured to resolve it soon.On the night I was not getting sleep.
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