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I wasso nervous and hurried, that I was still naked, and Istill had some of my own cum on my leg and on my cock.As I opened the door into the laundry room, I almost had aheart attack! Kristen’s boyfriend, Kevin, was standingthere putting the dirty laundry into the washer. Heturned around to see who was there and he looked prettysurprised to see a guy with a semi-hard dick standing infront of him holding his girlfriend’s thong.He recognized the underwear immediately and just yelledout, “What the fuck are you doing?” I started stammeringabout being confused with the laundry baskets and that Iwas just jumping in the shower and I thought I’d come downto throw a quick load of laundry in the washer.He told me to shut up and grabbed the panties out of myhand. He started to scream that he was going to kickmy perverted ass, when Kristen came down to see whatthe commotion was all about.Kevin turned to her and told her that I had walkedinto the room naked with. Michelle... probably would not care for her panties being a masturbatory aid for her little brother. Perhaps she would allow it, not having much of a choice, but there was no need to upset her needlessly. "And what Michelle doesn't know, won't hurt her..." I muttered, wiping off as much cum as I could before placing them in the laundry hamper along with her bra. I took a quick shower and changed. I still had forty minutes before Michelle came back, so I decided to begin making dinner. While I can't brag about my culinary skills, Michelle had always liked a couple of dishes I made, like stir fried noodles with bell peppers. And it happened to be one of my favorites as well, or I'd never have had the ingredients. My diet was mostly composed of instant meals and protein bars these days, but I still brought a couple of fruits and vegetables every week. Doubtless Michelle would have more of a say on that later and I half-dreaded the shopping that was ahead. As I prepared it, I wondered..
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