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I did not hesitate, but almost shouted into my radio’s microphone, “Transport Charlie directly to sick bay! She has been badly injured!”There was no hesitation on the part of the observers in the spaceship. They grabbed Charlie in the transporting field right away, and she disappeared. That was all I needed to know.Meanwhile, the Polar had struggled to its feet and was trying to set up to run after me on only three legs. I managed to dodge around faster than the Polar could turn on three legs, so it could never get aimed at me. I managed to work my way far enough around to get a shot at the Polar’s side, and started pumping in round after round. I was looking for its heart, but I would take any vital organ that I could reach.It could well have been my 12th shot that finally brought the beast down. It gave all of the indications of being dead, but I was not about to approach it until I was certain that it would not revive. I figured that 15 minutes was enough, and carefully approached. It took time to adjust to the change in culture, most obvious was shopping for foods they didn’t have, brands they’d never heard of, tasting and testing out foods I’d never come across before. I did manage to find a young woman to handle the housekeeping, not that I needed anyone right then, well, except for not wanting to keep up with dusting a whole load of rooms I didn’t need, use or want. Mirella was another lawyer found part of my life, her mother’s sister being a secretary at the lawyers office closest to me. Although a little older than me she proved to be everything I needed, efficient, discrete and unaffected by either my nudity or long absences locked away in my bedroom. I did make sure the ‘dressing room’ was locked at all times, wether I was outside or inside. Highly recommended and discrete didn’t mean I trusted Mirella with knowing about my pseudo stallion or the hours I spend being fucked out of my mind by Cafune. Yes, after much thought I had finally named my pseudo.
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