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The husband works as a temporary day laborer, and they live in a camper on the back of an old pickup that doesn’t run anymore,” he explained.“I haven’t met them yet, but could drive down and get them so you can meet them,” he offered.“I’ve got a better idea. Give me their address and phone number,” I replied.After we hung up, I called and talked to the wife. She was so excited that she was in tears. I promised to have a ride arrive there by 4:00 when her husband was due home from his temporary job. When I hung up, I called the two pilots that weren’t in training. The others had gone back to finish cross training. These two pilots were already qualified to fly everything I had.I explained what I needed, and gave them the address and the phone number. They should be back well before the surprise tonight. Even if they weren’t, the surprise would be fine until they got back.I called Carlos and warned him that I had someone coming here in an hour or so who might be our answer to growing. She was still on her hands and knees but another cock was in her mouth and she was sucking for all she was worth. The incessant pounding of her pussy eased momentarily and she felt a second penis being squeezed into her cunt. She gasped as the pummelling continued and her pussy was stretched to its limit. The orgasm hurt like hell and the two cocks made a mess of her pussy. They pulled out to be quickly replaced by others. She was dimly aware of Louise screaming as she came when she blacked out again.She first felt extreme discomfort. Light was breaking through a crack in the curtain and Louise, Roger and Marcus were no where to be seen. Her legs were tied to the bedposts and she was lying face down. She craned her head and saw Jaideep at the foot of the bed with a video camera in one hand and his cock in the other> Worst of all the fat Samir was pounding away at her arse like a jack hammer. He shuddered and emptied his ball sack into her stretched rectum for what felt like an.
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