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The next day I get a message from proposing to meet at a Starbucks close to my home.After office, in the evening while on the way home I met him for a coffee. We then were generally talking about business, home, etc. He was asking a lot of questions and also asked me the home address. I didn’t give and got a little skeptical about his intentions.But then out of nowhere, he started showing me his wife’s pics. Some were of her doing yoga and she also was a model for Indian gym wear online. Those pics with skimpy gym wear showing her perfect figure was getting me happy. He could see that spark and smile on my face while seeing them.He then asked me isn’t she gorgeous? which all I could do was smile or rather smirk nodding my head in affirmation. Gradually he told me that he is not able to satisfy her because he cum before her. From the last 1 year, he hardly gets hard.Even after medication and all the intimacy and sucking he doesn’t get hard enough to penetrate. I was just nodding and. The young man grinned and said, ‘You’ll have to wait and see.’ He went to the truck, got out a blanket he’d put in at home, and the food. They spread the blanket on a level spot under some trees and sat down to eat. Tommy liked Donna, and being with her was a lot of fun. But not as much fun as being with Tina. That bothered him, especially since the slender blonde seemed to like being with him a lot. Relationships were a pain in the neck. First he didn’t have anybody, then he was screwing relatives, now he had a gorgeous girl who really seemed to like him. But he wanted someone else, who barely knew he was alive. Was life ever easy? ‘Earth to Tommy,’ Donna said. ‘What?’ Tommy replied. He looked at her. ‘I asked you if you wanted to swim some more,’ Donna said. ‘Ah…sure, why not?’ Tommy replied. He stood up and so did she. ‘This was really neat,’ Donna said softly, looking into his eyes. ‘I’ve never been on a nicer picnic.’ Tommy stepped toward her and she moved closer to him. Then.
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