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1781GENTLEMEN,I have perused your late mathematical Prize Question, proposed in lieu of one in Natural Philosophy, for the ensuing year, viz. "Une figure quelconque donnee, on demande d'y inscrire le plus grand nombre de fois possible une autre figure plus-petite quelconque, qui est aussi donnee". I was glad to find by these following Words, "l'Acadeemie a jugee que cette deecouverte, en eetendant les bornes de nos connoissances, ne seroit pas sans UTILITE", that you esteem Utility an essential Point in your Enquiries, which has not always been the case with all Academies; and I conclude therefore that you have given this Question instead of a philosophical, or as the Learned express it, a physical one, because you could not at the time think of a physical one that promis?d greater_Utility.Permit me then humbly to propose one of that sort for your consideration, and through you, if you approve it, for the serious Enquiry of learned Physicians, Chemists, &c. of this enlightened Age.. He cursed and spread his feet a little and kept pumping. Sherry came and squirted 3 more times before he came in her. The guy who had his cock in Sherry's mouth moved around behind her and immediately shoved his cock in her soaked pussy. Sherry was by this time flying high, she'd had at least 8 or 9 drinks and was getting the shit fucked out of her. She was sucking another cock, while the 2nd guy fucked her to two more orgasms before he came. By this time Susie was getting fucked in the front seat, so she wasn't a very reliable witness to the middle part of Sherry's adventure. Sherry was cumming pretty fast now, she thinks, she was pretty out of it, cumming and squirting. The guys had never seen anything like it. Susie's friend came in her and after a minute, they lit some smokes and watched the 4th guy cum in Sherry's pussy. Susie said later she could see how soaked Sherry's legs were, all shiny in the reflection from the parking lot lights around the corner. The 5th guy was fucking.
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