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She was looking for the table she was alone I guess and then suddenly she asked my friend please can.I share table with you my friend said oh mam please pleasure is all mine she was sitting in between my friend and me and she was wearing a purple top and a black jeans which was damn fit for her body she was looking really rich by her behaviour.I was constantly thinking about my friends mom and some time looking at her boobs she had noticed that but not said anything oh I forgot to tell you her name her name was Neetu.She was very friendly with all of us then come the main part she invited all three of us for the dance all the three of us were dancing with her she was really good at dancing we were dancing and sometimes our body parts touched each other she was noticing me very well now time to go so.I thought to take her mobile number so I went to her and suddenly I realized why not ask for a facebook id if she doesn’t want to share her number she would definitely add us as facebook. My thoughts were disrupted once more by a knock on the door. Both Vicky and Cathy entered on my response to the knock. “Is it alright if Vicky takes a shower… she needs… you know… her pussy… and I need to shower as well” I smiled at Vicky who was still naked although she did have one arm across her breasts and the other hand hiding her pussy. I smiled at them both and told them to come closer. They did so slowly and warily. I sat up in the bath and told Cathy to lean closer to me. I whispered “There can be only one”. She nodded. “Kiss ‘the one’ "She looked at me puzzled for a moment and then leant down and placed her lips upon mine. As she was about to withdraw my hand went around the back of her head and I gave her a kiss more suitable for lovers than siblings. I released her and as she rose she spoke with equally soft voice… “You are the one…Master” I smiled warmly at Cathy before turning my attention to Vicky. This time I did not speak as soft but with some tenderness to my voice..
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