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Lets see if holly can guess what it is. I moved to Holly who was eagerly waiting with her mouth wide open. My cock got about three-fourths of the way into her mouth, which was quite impressive for a 9 year old. I couldnt believe how good it felt. Her head slowly bobbed up and down on my cock. I told her to increase her suction as I put my hand on top of her head and ran my fingers through her soft blond hair. I was feeling my impeding orgasm, and I decided to let Holly have a taste. Quickly removing my cock from Hollys pretty little mouth, I warned her, Holly, get ready! This is a two-part clue. Soon, I am going to squirt something into your mouth. I want you to hold it there until I am done, and then I want you to swallow it okay? Okay! Holly exclaimed, excited to finish her food guess. Okay Holly, hold your tongue out and get ready for it! I furiously jerked my dick and aimed my head for Hollys pink tongue. I had to bit my lip to keep me from moaning too loud. I watched as the. Although the next night, Liu cautioned her that he was too tired to do “anything”. She knew what that meant and didn’t press him. They sat on the couch in their living room. “I’ve missed you so much” Kait said in a near sultry voice. “It’s almost painful when you are away” she said. “What do you do when I’m away?” he asked with a suggestive hint. “You want me to show you?” she asked playing along. “Yes, very much so” he replied. Kait started fondling her breasts through her light brown sweater. She sweetly brushed her blonde hair from her shoulders before holding them in each hand. She pinched her nipples, making their hardness visible. Liu’s full attention was focused on her every move as she slowly pulled off her sweater and continued touching her breasts through her bra. She unfastened her bra and slowly removed it. She playfully put it around Liu’s neck. He smiled, took it in his hand and put it down next to him. Kait licked the nipple of her left breast and then the right one..
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