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” she began just as a smiling Kayla handed her one.“Well?” Jeff asked, amusement evident in his voice.“It’s ... I mean ... I think my face looks better now than it did before that ass hit me. There is absolutely no scar. Thank you, Sir,” she managed as she locked eyes with her Commander. After handing the mirror back to Kayla and thanking her, Tosha continued, “Sir, I’m embarrassed that he even managed to hit me to begin with. I suppose I was preoccupied with spanking that bitch. He had been screaming about money for a plane ticket so he could go back home – probably to his Mama,” she groused. “Anyway, he had gone in the bedroom – to dress, I thought. I had just screamed out that he would never see another dime of my money as I put that whining bitch on her feet when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I barely got my arm up in time even to partially block the blow.“Apparently, he had planned this. I had warned him what would happen if he ever hit me again. He swore that he. I pulled my hand out of her dress and reached under her dress and felt the wet spot on her panties. I told her that I was disappointed in her for wearing panties, as she helped me pull them aside so I could finger her wet pussy. As she helped me finger her wet pussy, she said that she was sorry and that she needed to be punished for being a bad girl. I told that she was getting a spanking when we got home as I kept fingering her wet pussy, while she moaned. I pulled my wet fingers out of her and held them to her lips as she licked her juices off of them tasting herself. Then I went back to playing with her titty as she kept reminding me about her being punished when we got home. Finally we pulled up to the house and parked in the garage, closing the garage door as soon as we pulled in. I jumped out to grab my bag out of the trunk. She stepped in front of me bending over into the trunk, saying, “ let me get that for you”. As she looked back at me with her ass sticking out and her.
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