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Returning to the dress shop Janet approved of the corset andthe purchase of the pantyhose for the evening. The corset was placedaround me, hooks attached in front and then the laces were drawn tightlyin back. So much that I could hardly breath. Then the gown went on andthe seamstress pinned, tucked, measured etc. for 15 minutes. Finally,she finished I slid out of the gown but was told by Michael to keep thecorset on as he liked the look. Janet came back a moment later andstated that the dress would be ready in 2 ? hours. Michael paid for thedress, thanked Janet for help and gave her and the seamstress a nicetip.Since we had time while waiting for the gown to be altered Michaelsearched on his I phone and found a local bar/restaurant that he wantedto try so we headed that direction. Once parked and inside therestaurant I wasn't consumed with other activities and found myselfagain consumed with thinking of sucking his cock. Seated at a table Ireached my hand down rubbing his. "Watch your teeth you little cunt. Treat this dick like the boys you were sucking when you got caught by your mother". I sucked his cock , he was so big I was gagging and unable to fit it all the way in. He had his eyes closed and his head thrown back, his hips pistoning hard. With a growl of frustration he pulled me up by my hair and pushed me on the couch again. He positioned me on my knees so that my naked little ass winked at him. He was on his knees then...attacking my pussy from the back. I felt his long hot tongue slide the full length of my cunt once, twice and again before he speared his tongue and forced into my pussy. He held my ass cheeks apart with his big hands while he tongue fucked me hard. It felt so good. His mouth moved all over my pussy, dipping in my honeypot and stroking my closed asshole. I came hard, spraying all over his face and that drove him wild, he jumped up off his knees and shoved his nine and half inch cock in my pussy to the hilt. I screamed.
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