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“Brady, what are you going to do? The back end won’t go by the house on the left side.”“Sarah, don’t bother your mind. Hell, you can even sleep in it if you want to. You know if you are homesick or something.”“I hope you are joking. I’m not going to. I’m not sleeping in the middle of the street.”Just then, the marshal came charging up. “You had better have that off the street by nine tomorrow morning. You’re tying up the whole town.”“I’ll try, marshal. Can I take you to supper at the rooming house?”“No, that would be a bribe. He stalked up the street and said over his shoulder. “I’ll have you in jail if you don’t move it when I said to.” Then he came back and said. “I better have one of you in my office tomorrow after you get that damned house off the street. I want to know about you killing Trace Bedlow.” This worried Berta. I wasn’t concerned because if the marshal thought something wasn’t right with the killing he would have been around sooner asking questions.I talked to Jack and. The house was silent save for several footsteps asthe purple haired woman and her brother slowly walked side by side downthe stairs, each with an amused expression."That was... interesting," the woman commented with a satisfied smirk."Mac was what I expected, but Cynthia..." She shook her head slightly."I had to put her to sleep in order to get away."The man gave a low chuckle at that. "Feisty?" A tiger," she responded with a wink. As they reached the bottom of thestairs, they paused and gave each other a kiss before pulling back. "Iso love doing the opposites," she laughed, tossing her hair back with ashake. "It's always so... fascinating."He nodded at that, even smiling faintly. "That it is."After a moment of silence as they both stared out the window, the manquietly mused, "A slothful one, living in disorder and knowing only howto be served has become the servant himself." Then almost as anafterthought, he added, "She was just starting to clean as I left." She was an.
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