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Surely I couldn’t keep this pace up night after night, after all it wasn’t like I was a 20-year-old, though I might feel like it.We made our way to my ‘boudoir’, a word they had never come across (it didn’t translate, so I used the English, or French, whichever) but which I was pleased to find became included in the normal conversation surprisingly quickly. Boudoir: a bedroom where a man may find himself capable of delivering his seed to a woman. Not actually the definition I would have used, but I suppose it does sum up what was happening. I wondered vaguely what would happen if in a thousand years time an Earth space ship arrived and found a smattering of English words in the vocabulary. Cue lots of careful analysis explaining that there is a clear convergent evolution towards some words; or maybe we’ll have met other worlds who will have explained this notion of sending ambassadors to help out when it matters.I invited them to join me in bed and smiled as three girls competed to. She was as good as her word, though I'm not sure how much choice in the matter she got as he was ball deep in her throat. She wouldn't have even tasted it.I was hoping to catch Lucy in action while the other cuck cleaned himself up, but couldn't find her on any of the room's cameras. I guessed I'd missed the boat and headed down to the coffee shop to meet her. This involved more unexpected ritual humiliation. As I left the mess I ran into Mrs. Clarke who was the joint owner of the club and a bit of an authority figure. We exchanged pleasantries and established we were both heading to the coffee shop.She asked if I'd enjoyed jerking off and clearly didn't believe me when I said I hadn't. She said white lies weren't allowed at the club, pulled my panties down to my knees and gave my ass a couple of hard spanks. I guess it served me right for enjoying watching the chubby girl get spanked.She told me to keep my panties down on the way down the corridor. We passed a naked woman and a half.
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