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”“So why don’t we agree on a different setting. No strings attached. And we can have a little more private time to, shall we say, research the topic of intimacy.”The Professor agreed. He had an apartment just off campus and asked about this Friday night. He said it was the single most amazing blowjob he had ever experienced. Words could not describe it according to him. And yes, he definitely wanted more….research.We put our coats on, grabbed our bags and were heading out the door. Before he turned the lock on the door he turned and kissed me again. This time it was a simple kiss, lips on lips.“So is Friday a date?” he asked.“Friday is good. But don’t call it a date. Call it extra credit.”“That sounds good to me,” he replied.I walked to my car in a euphoric state that I hadn’t experienced in quite some time. I replayed everything in my head that had happened. Laughing out loud a few times and curiously wondering what I had gotten myself into along the way. At the apartment, Sophie and. So I grabbed his lead and we walked to the woods as we got there I let him off knowing he would stray too far and would come back when I called him. I kept calling him as I walked around all of a sudden I could hear moaning and groaning coming from the bushes as I pushed through a little I saw a couple of blokes standing there trousers around his ankles and a woman sat on the floor naked and her arms was moving at a speed and I knew she was rubbing her clit as they wanked over her then I realised it was my wife sitting there naked having these two blokes wanking for her.I stood there feeling my cock grow hard wanting to go and join in but I heard the noise of people coming closer so I hid more and another two blokes come around the corner seeing what was happening they asked if they could join in and my wife said ok as the first two started to cum they covered her in cum it was over her face, hair and tits she continued to finger fuck herself. As they had finished they got dressed.
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