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” “Anyway, sounds like the guys are happy with Sally so I better get out there and shake it.” “How do we get into these things Diana asked as she looked at the stuff to put on?”“Beats me, but if we survive the dancing, I guess we’re sure to get laid.”“Yeah, there is that.” “You know, we look really hot like we are and judging by the number of times a guy has run his hand up my leg tonight they like what we are wearing.” “What say we go out as a team and just dance in these?”“Ok, Ellen nodded her head, I think I would be less afraid of that than putting on one of these costumes.” “The girls made their way to the side of the curtain where Sally was trying to catch her breath. She turned to look at them with a quizzical look.”“We are going to dance in this if that’s ok?”“She smiled and said sure, good idea, you two look hot, now remember don’t throw anything into the crowd because you won’t get it back and you don’t want to go home naked!”“Got it.”“They watched Reba work the floor. "No," she mused, "we need to be more clever. Hmmmm... You said the message sounded like Mimi was whipping this other girl?" I nodded."Well, what if we turned the tables on her? I mean, maybe if she was on the receiving end of that kind of treatment, she'd realize how cruel it was and want to stop on her own. Then she'd be working with us instead of against us!"The idea had possibilities. It had sounded like the girl, Tammy, had liked being beaten; but I remembered Mimi crying when we'd spanked her long ago when she was just a little girl. She hadn't liked it then, no doubt about it. Besides, if she was doing that kind of thing to other people, she deserved it. But -- "Who would do it? Me?" Sure! You are her mother." Juliet looked more confident than I felt. "I suppose spanking her again wouldn't be a problem." She shook her head. "Oh no, Mrs. G., you'd have to whip her. Otherwise you wouldn't be making the point properly."Maybe we'd need another plan. "I'm not sure I could do that.".
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