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Soon he'll start cursing Vicky ever existed if I'm not careful. I'm peering over the edge of the bed watching my uncle rummage around in my case. "What, are you, you looking for?" thank god Vicky is back in control, although Kevin is fighting like mad to get out of her. "Ah here we are." "Oh fuck me no!" "Oh fuck you yes." I'm staring at the dildo and gel that I have used just twice. My bed is making an awful racket as I yank on the chains. That is until the rope crashes down on my backside harder than ever before! "Now shut the fuck up. Do you want me to use this on Vicky, or Kevin?!" I'm staring at it and weighing up my options. Kevin would have a fucking fit. He might even start crying. Vicky though, Vicky might have a few tears, but she isn't that much of a baby. If my uncle is going to use that on me, then I'd much prefer to be Vicky at the time. It is eight inches long and skin coloured, it cost me nearly £30, and it was quite embarrassing to buy. I got it from the TV shop. Then suddenly there was the sound of someone knocking on a door."Come in, Mrs Bartholomew," a disembodied male voice, said. Then a few seconds later, "sit down please?"Emily appeared on the screen and sat in the chair. She looked confident but just slightly nervous. Her head turning from side to side, obviously looking at several different people who were also in the room, but out of the camera's field of vision."Emily - you don't mind if I call you Emily, do you?" No, of course not, Mr Harcourt." Please call me Mike, Emily. We're all one big happy family here, aren't we, gentlemen?"There were several grunts and noises from the other occupants of the room."Now, Emily, have you considered my proposition yet?"Emily suddenly looked very concerned."I didn't think you were serious, Mr Harcourt." Mike, Emily. Must I keep on reminding you? Of course I was serious. We need a woman of your qualities on the team."Emily's face now looked extremely angry."You must be insane. I would never.
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