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They can’t die of the heat and dryness can they?”They walked on, Krill was smiling gently. He was pleased whenever he found a love of life, a love of nature in this world of concrete, steel and brick. He rarely came to the town, he could feel the magic leach away; it was like coping with a phobia, you had to steel yourself and be hard and cope. But he didn’t want to be hard and cope, he wanted to sit on the grass and feel it growing. He loved hunting. Now he had lost his mount, he would run across the hills, often naked, at dawn, chasing down a hare. And when he caught it, he would thank the hare for the chase and for its life.At the village centre, there were three shops and two cafes; the young couple went to the shop to buy milk and eggs. Krill bought a newspaper from the newsagent. It usually depressed him, but occasionally a good, uplifting story appeared. He liked to hear of vast resources spent rescuing a cow or a dog; perhaps there was a hidden bit of the old world left if. Limestone? Yes, gray limestone! Alesandro ees brilliant!" Again he fiddled with his bracelet."What the hell is he going on about now!" Stefanie wondered. All of a sudden, a bolt of white light shot out from Alesandro's palm and struck Stefanie in the chest. She would have cringed if her body would have let her.The anxiety-induced butterflies in Stefanie's stomach, hatched by Alesandro's control over her, suddenly froze and disappeared. In their place full was a feeling of fullness. It was not the eating lots of food fullness. This was different. It was as if her stomach cavity had had become instantly fully solid. As weird as this feeling was, what made it creepier was that Stefanie could tell her all of her insides were becoming one hard, concrete-like mass. She could tell her internal organs melding and fusing together and her insides were becoming one single hard block, like a pillar of rock.The heavy feeling spread through her waist and began to creep up and down her body. "Oh.
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