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"What happens to me?" I think you know that," she said, baring her sharp white teeth in a smile. "You are the other side of the coin from these women," she continued, pointing to the pigs rooting for crumbs on the floor. "You are starving to death, Arnie. Your hunger is of a different kind. You crave sex, don't you?" She pointed to his stiff dick, which was painfully erect again. "Your sexual hunger is never sated. But each time you have sex it drains more of your life energy, till you could simply blow away like a leaf in the wind." But I wasn't here 500 years ago," he whined. "I'm not the one who hurt your people!" What is 500 years to me?" she said. "All time is the same. There is no ticking clock for me, for this land."I am the corn goddess, Arnie," she continued. "I blessed the ground and the crops grew. When your people came they trampled the ground. And they brought those scavengers, the pigs, who ate everything in sight and destroyed our gardens, our forests. They carried. Her hourglass shape was highlighted in the glow of the sunlight coming from the window. I climbed up onto her canopy bed steadying myself and sat down beside her.I stared at her succulent thighs for moments before reaching out and rubbing one of them. I began to knead her thigh slowly and my fingers began to find their way to her womanhood. Tina casually opened her highs and allowed me inside. I found blood on my fingertips and looked up to see Tina staring. Some tears started to well up in her eyes.“FUCK ME!!” My Id screamed. I was about o get involved in some emotional shit with Tina and I REALLY didn’t want to go there with this bitch. I began to lightly kiss her on the neck and fondle one of her perfect C-cup breasts.“Oh, you’re going to fuck me again?” She asked in a strange detached tone. She got no reply from me as I began to lick her slender neck and suck on her earlobes. Tina shuddered and began to moan while I kneaded one of her erect nipples.“Oh, uh-I don’t mind at all ….
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