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You got that, slut? She nodded yes as she continued to suck on the mouthful of garlic tasting, 9 inch long cockmeat. 5. The Rest Of The Fucking Rape Bait Plan: After the Italian jerks prick had ejaculated his semen into her oral receptacle, and as Margie was pushing his load of hot jism out of her mouth and letting it run up her nose and into her eyes and all over her forehead, Mike proceeded with telling the Governor and The Blonde Avenger about the rest of his rape plan. Yesterday we assigned four female cops to the special rape bait task force. Each one of them has set up their own sub-site on the Cheating Wifes web site. They have gotten lots of hits already and they are responding to the guys and encouraging them that they are hot to trot. As soon as a guy asks them to meet him at a trashy motel, the female cops will immediately agree to meet them and will tell the guy to make a reservation in a specific motel room and then text it to her. When the guy sends them the specific. Mike mentally ran through what he had bought for everyone. He had brought a huge box of assorted nuts for his brother (a true nut junkie!) and a rather generic gift of nice white bathroom towels for Tracy, since he hadn’t met her yet. He had even brought a gift card to Wal-Mart for Sky (surely all teen-agers loved that place!). He had the bases covered. Well, all the bases he had expected. He hadn’t really planned on meeting a little redhead who knocked his world for a loop. What did he get for her? Yeah, he better go into town. ‘No, I think I’ll take you up on the offer of a ride. I have a couple of things that I would like to pick up myself,’ Mike answered, rather absentmindedly. He was already going through a potential list of gifts for Chrissy and marking each one of them off as unacceptable. As Chrissy and Tracy were cleaning off the table, Sky wandered into the kitchen. ‘Just getting up kiddo?’ Chrissy asked. Sky yawned and looked less than thrilled with life. Tracy laughed,.
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