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You're my beautiful baby and I don't care if you want to be a boy or agirl. Love, Mom."What is this shit?! Acceptance? Enablement? She's OK with this? I'm notOK with this. I'm not OK at all. Everyone who sees me will agree on that!The nightie is in my hand again. My other hand is on my own thigh, I'mbrushing the nightie against my thigh."No," I vocalize. "Stop it!"I toss the nightie on the bed and look away. In school, all I could thinkabout was getting this stupid uniform off and here am I, almost eighthours later STILL WEARING THE DAMN THING! It's coming off... now! I removethe vest. I never noticed before but it smells of strawberries. Iunbutton the skirt, step out of it and let it hang from my fingers. Astrawberry smell on the vest? I hold the skirt up to my nose. Not much ofa smell. I drop it next to the sweater-vest. I go to the blouse and workthe smallish backwards buttons. I tug my arms out of it and pause. Iblush as I run the material over my face... strawberry here too,. "No, stay there," I instructed.Twisting round in the tight space, I straddled him, my knees on the backseat either side of his legs."Comfy?" I asked. He nodded. His face was a picture, all desire anduncertainty. I grinned. Shauna had talked about being in control - andright now, for the first time as Alannah, I almost felt I had it.Bringing my head down, I kissed him softly on the lips, then worked myway over to one ear. I gently nibbled it and then whispered the questionthat I had wanted to ask since going back to find him in the garden. "Isthis as far as you've ever got with a girl?"He stiffened, them very quietly said: "Yes." My smile broadened. "Ithought so." I took his unresisting hands, which were resting on myhips, and guided them down and behind me until they were cuppedunderneath my buttocks."My rules," I said, echoing something Shauna had told me the first timeI met her. It almost seemed like a lifetime ago, so much had happenedsince. "We play by my rules. I decide what we.
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