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" Well we'll see you in the galley then," Laura said as she led the rest of the group up the stairs and towards the galley.Once there, they didn't find anyone, but they found the table set and the first course (salad) of what looked like a promisingly delicious meal was waiting for them.As they all sat down and grabbed some salad bowls Amy grabbed a bottle and poured some dressing on her salad."Amy," Laura said curiously, "Is that 'Anderson Dressing'?" No, not really," Amy said passing the bottle to Laura, "but it is very similar, though without the Lana Golden Juice it will never be as good."Laura poured some on her salad and tasting it said, "Oh but it is still very, very good," with a tingle in her tongue and a burning in her pussy she said, "damn I'm going to have to taste these ingredients individually, do you know who supplies them?" The cook prepared it," Josie said coming in from behind them. "She actually surprised me, I doubted how good she might be since she, and the entire. "Goodness," Dr. J said, "what is all this fussingabout with hair?" We're boys," said a sandy-haired man with bright,mischievous eyes. "Our hair has to look pretty!" Maybe we should put some bobby pins in yours," alittle man with strawberry curls said, swinginghis brush playfully at Dr. J. "Don't you dare," she said in mock horror, and themen all squealed with girlish pleasure."What about you?" One of them said to me, his face adevilish grin.I'd burned my hair off long ago with over-indulgencein drugs and booze, and patting my bald head, I said,"If only you could give me some of your hair." No," he protested. "It's too short as it is!"They all wore the same dress. It was a spaghetti strapsack dress made of white cotton that went down totheir knees. On their soft, tiny feet they woresandals. Billy Fountain had recovered somewhat. Oneof the other men had woven his black hair into long squaw braids that hung down on either side of hissmooth cheeks. He was standing proudly among theother.
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