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Pulling them up toward my face I realize that my nails have drawn blood. Shame floods through me and I look up at Asmodeus. I- Im so s-sorry, I stammer, still quaking from a mixture of pain and pleasure. The demon laughs, the movement sending shivers up my body where his meets mine. He wipes away my tears then slides a hand behind my head and lifts it up to meet his, pulling me in for a passionate kiss. It all feels so good, so right, his weight above me, his lips on mine and his luscious heat inside me. Once again, my hands bury themselves in his hair as his hips begin to move. He lowers my head down again, dipping his own so that our lips are still locked while slowly, slowly he moves inside me, pulling out a fraction of an inch then easing back in. Out one inch and in again, each time he pulls out further and plunges back in harder. With each push, electricity flows through me and soon Im moaning softly against his lips. His lips break from mine as my breathing quickens. Planting. He himself is reclining on the bed, champagne flute in hand, watching the show. I step in close, letting her feel my body -- my bare skin -- brush against hers. I caress her all over-- she's beautiful, her body all graceful curves and smooth skin without crease or wrinkle, like a 1940s automobile. Her breath catches in her throat as my lips brush her neck, one hand tracing a line down across her belly. She stretches out the chain on her leg shackles, begging me to slip my hand down there, to satisfy her as she satisfied me. I brush her clit, with the most delicate, feather-light caress and she shudders, the shiver running down her body from neck to heel. With my fingertip I trace slowly between her labia. A growling moan rises in her throat. "Oh please..." she begs. I look at his husband and he grins, "Tease her," he mouths. I smile, pressing my body against hers, letting her feel my curves caressing hers, I slip my hand down between her legs and easily slide two fingers inside her.
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