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Melody had brought practically a new wardrobe with her; most of it was brand new and had not been worn. She had shown me a long overcoat her grandmother had bought her for the trip; it had been very expensive. She wanted to wear it as we were leaving because the weather had turned cold for the very first time during her visit. I convinced her however that I wanted to see her in a short skirt and heels as I would not be seeing her for a couple of months. “The bank is just around the corner Melody; I’m glad you never put that long coat on to hide those delicious legs”. “It is cold; but I do feel sexy like this” she smiled. “Melody as it’s a lot cooler you can wait in the warm walkway near the bank; it will save you going up to the cold car park; I will be back in five minutes or so”. “Lydon try to be as quick as you can” were the last words I heard her say. I withdrew her money without any problems; although I was slightly disappointed with the amount. She only had eight hundred and. She'd go from fucking me with it to licking right up to my clit and back, never letting me get comfortable enough to cum. Then her other arm was free and she some how reached between my thighs, round to my ass and pulled me down onto her face, hard.She formed a tight seal on my clit with her lips and started sucking and flicking it with her tongue as she pulled me harder and harder against her. I let out a squeak and started whispering "fuck" over and over as I felt a huge orgasm building.My sweat glistening tits bounced quickly as I tried to keep quiet while she attacked my clit. I couldn't figure out where my arms should go, I grabbed my breasts, my hair, her head in near orgasmic panic. I could see her eyes staring up at my tits then into mine. As soon as we locked eyes I couldn't hold back and came harder than I had in ages. Then again, and again. After 3 big hits where I don't even know if I groaned or not, I slipped off her. Leaving her to gasp for air as my wetness trickled.
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