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“Higher, Sam, higher.” I was right next to her pussy. I could feel the pre-cum surging from my penis. “Higher!” I gave up and moved my fingers onto her panties. I could feel the wetness between her thighs. “That’s good Sam!” Lilly reached down and slid her panties down her thighs exposing her pussy. I put my fingers on her pussy lips and massaged her clit. Lilly took in a breath and spread her legs wider. She lifted her shirt and caressed her nipples as I fingered her cunt. She started arching her back and I moved two fingers in and out of her wet pussy in a steady rhythm. She came hard. I took my wet fingers out of her as she pulled her shirt down over her breasts, then pulled her wet panties over her pussy. I got up and went to the bathroom. When I came back to my room she had left and moved to the kitchen. I stayed in my room and let my cock shrink to normal. I would save the experience and jerk-off later. I was ashamed, but Lilly had forced the issue. I hoped she felt. She was breathing a bit harder but I wasn’t sure if she just didn’t breathe right. She said that was different than she ever thought kissing could be. I said, “I told you it was special and you don’t do it with just anybody.” She nodded.The next time we were together she asked, “What is ‘petting’?”“Oh, boy!” I thought, “Her curiosity is going in the right direction!”So I said to her, “It’s a special kind of caressing that people who really like each other can do. It’s not sex either. Would you like me to show you?”She was thoughtful, then, “I really like you and want to learn. What you have shown me so far is really nice so I guess so.”“Let’s start with making out because that helps get you in the right mood.” She eagerly got her mouth and tongue busy and, when she was breathing harder I began to gently stroke her body starting with her shoulders. “You can do the same kind of thing to me so I will feel good too.” She copied me, unsure where she could touch or not. As she relaxed with.
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