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“Dude, don’t argue,” J.J. advises him, pulling off his sweatshirt, kicking off his sneakers and starting to undo his jeans. With a shrug, Aaron begins to strip as well. “We don’t have to get bare ass, we’ll just strip down to our underwear. We’ll be sitting on the sofa, so nobody’ll notice,” J.J. explains to his cousin as Steve goes back upstairs. Presently, both cousins are stripped down to their briefs, socks and backwards baseball caps. They sit back down on the sofa, taking up their game controllers again, unpleasantly aware of the suspiciously wet substance that seems to be splattered all over the sofa… “Oh, shit! I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” Christine moans loudly as three more powerful orgasms slam into her one after another. Gasping, panting, beginning to glisten with perspiration, she starts to slow down her tempo. “Holy shit! I was getting close!” Jude exclaims, startled as Christine skillfully backs him away from climax. “Not yet, babe! Not yet!” a glistening Christine. Then I started to feel something on my leg, slowly creeping up. I looked down to see Ryan, slowly but surely, getting a hard on. I said Woah dude, what are you doing. He just layed there, and then, with me looking down at his crotch, placed his lips on mine. I was very suprised at first, but then kissed him back full on. This was what I had dreamed of, what I had hoped, but never actually believed would happen. I pulled a way. dude, are you sure you want to do this?, to which he replied, Yeah Shawn, you are my best friend, you are the only person I could ever feel comfertable doing this with. Then he continued kissing. I was starting to get an erection now, and he could feel it. He very slowly took off my shirt, and I very slowly took off his. Next came my belt, shortly followed by his. At this point, he got off of me and unbuttoned and unzipped my pants to reveal my tent-boxers. I stood him up, and put his boxers down, to reveal his. I knew instantly that he was much bigger than I.
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