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When T and I entered the house mum was tearful and we didn’t know what to do. I motioned for T to sit down and mum asked him if he wanted a drink, he said he did.As I loaded the video up mum came in with some drinks, I asked her if she was alright and she said she was and then she went upstairs. Twenty minutes later she re-appeared wearing her housecoat, she asked if we’d like more drinks and T said he would. When she brought the second round of drinks in to the room, she came round towards us sat on the couch.She passed T his drink and her housecoat became undone revealing her white bra and panties. T looked at me as I looked at him, he smiled and I nodded towards her and mouthed ‘go for it’. T asked her if she wanted to sit down, she said “Thanks” and flopped down between us her housecoat gaped open, I turned towards her and slipped my hand over her breast.T was watching and mum touched his face and turned him to face her, she brushed his lips with hers and soon she and T were. Jonathan's grandchildren were getting the same treatment. It was an hour later that Jerome came back. He had a smile on his face but his shield was up.They spoke verbally very infrequently but with the shield up it was thought prudent. "Well?" Jonathan asked verbally."Mom wants me to be an admiral too. For now it will be just a small fleet but she said my responsibilities would grow. She is breaking up our family but she said the ships will be linked much better than what we have now."Jonathan was quite tall now but reached up and hugged his oldest to him. "I like the name Admiral Jerome Bender. It has a ring to it."Jerome smiled, "I think it does too, dad."In the coming hours more and more of the next generation and their children sat in the chairs on the cruiser. Every one of them came back with smiles on their faces. Jonathan felt vindicated in a way. He had left as a cadet with only a goodly amount of promise. Now he was the father to admirals and other high ranking officers that.
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