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They toldJennifer that this may hurt a bit so be prepared. One girl said okay onthe count of 3 girls pull the cloths off. 1, 2, 3!The next thing you hear is Jennifer yelling "OUCH"! What the heck!" "Danggirls that hurt more than a little bit." The girl that did the countingsaid, "oh you're such a big baby. We girls do that all the time. What areyou going to do if we decide to pierce your ears?" That'swhen all thegirls go; "Oh wow what a great idea."Jennifer didn't want any part of that, as she said, "No way." Shestarted to get up from under the hair dryer, but two of the girls pinnedher down. One girl went to the kitchen to ask for some ice, while Lynnwent to her room and got a shape needle.The ladies in the kitchen didn't have any idea what the girls were up towhen one of them came in asking for some ice. They figured it was for thesodas. So Mrs. Miller gave the girl a bowl of ice. Once the girl with theice was back two more girls helped to hold Jennifer down, while two othergirls. He could even see his smiling face in his mother’s face. He sat down at the mirror table on a mirror chair and wondered if something was wrong with his sight. ‘Is there something wrong Nathan?’ His mother asked. ‘No, nothing is wrong, practice was just tiring. What is for dinner?’ ‘Your favorite steak and fries.’ He smiled and his stomach growled, ‘Fantastic!’ She smiled indulgently, or at least that is what he thought she did, the mirror-like coating on them obscured her familiar features. She left the room to go to the grill and brought him back a platter of steak and fries, which looked like mirrors to him too. He was slowly getting sick of looking at himself as he cut the steak and put it in his mouth. Immediately it shattered into pieces and cuts up his mouth causing him to cry out in shock and pain. ‘What is it son?’ His mother asked as she cut up her own steak and ate it as if she was unaware it was a mirror. ‘Mirrors, its all mirrors…’ he said through a broken mouth, as he.
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