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How may we assist you, Director Elloson?”“First, may I give the official thanks of the Florven Technocracy for your aid in the defence of the Histed system,” Elloson began as both he and Vangis took seats.“You’re welcome, but it was only one planet and we are still far too few to defend all the worlds here, plus nine others were reduced whilst we fought, as well as those who had been reduced before we got here,” Tret replied.“Yes, we, the Florven Technocracy understand, yet are still grateful for those who were saved.”“Thank you.”“Could you tell me about your Empire? We have no records of it, nor any idea where it is.”“The Vreekoosian Empire consists of three hundred and seventy-eight worlds and is ruled over by the Empress Amantil, her Nobles and her loyal Bureaucracy. It’s twelve hundred of our light years away and slightly inwards of you towards the core.”“Uh...”“Close to five thousand Florven light years,” an AI replied helpfully.“Five thousand?”“Yes,” the AI confirmed.“That. "Don't feel bad Sweetie," she smiled a wolf's smile as she handed me a worn, but well cared for box, "all of my assistants have to wear them."I could feel the heat rising up my face as I took the pink satin wrapped box in nervous hands. Putting it on my new desk I looked up at her and she could see the fear in my eyes."Oh, you're looking so scared Mary, but don't worry, you don't have to wear them outside of work if you don't want to. The only rule is that as long as you're in this office, you're wearing them. Is that clear?"She sat on the edge of my desk and crossed her legs. Her office skirt clung tightly to her long legs and her blouse starkly outlined her perfect breasts. Her richly textured clothes seemed to amplify the smooth perfection of her white skin and made her dark blue eyes seem even more magnetic. Her rich auburn hair was perfectly coiffed; she looked more like a Life magazine model than my new boss."Think of them as a symbol, like my renaming you Mary. It helps me to.
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