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She was gorgeous and I knew why I had been besotted with her over the years.We ate and drank together, getting to know each other on a more personal level. The more we talked, the more we laughed and soon I knew more about her than I could in any other way. We shared many secrets over that dinner, and she told me some things that would come in useful for later.“I love to be used and abused, I want you to be as rough as you want with me, I'm not scared of sex, I enjoy it.”I laughed and kept it in the back of my head.By the end of our meal, we were well warmed up with sex talk and flirting that I just wanted to fuck the shit out of her already. She called her driver and soon we were in the back seat once more on the way to her home.We were dropped off once again, we entered her house and couldn’t take our hands off each other. I pushed her up against the wall, kissing her roughly and making out with her. I pulled the straps of her dress off her shoulders, pulling them down, revealing. Good thing for her I believe in that whole 'turn the other cheek' thing, or she'd be feeling the love right now. And of course by 'love' I mean 'fingernails to the eyeballs'.The lady of the hour was herself sitting at the kitchen table when I arrived for the second time. She was hunched over a bowl of cereal, milk drooling from the spoon, her hair in a mess and bags under her eyes. She gave me a dark, glittering look as I entered.Well, good morning to you too, bitch."What's Mom doing," Trina asked me.I blinked and glanced, and suddenly noticed what was going on at the other end of the kitchen: about a thousand pots and pans and bowls were laid out on the counters, not to mention bags of flour, cartons of eggs, boxes of sugar, a loaf of bread, a jug of maple syrup; and my mother bustled between them, stopping every five seconds to check a cookbook. I realized she had taken the French toast idea seriously.Suddenly it was hard not to smile. How awesome is that? It's probably the nicest.
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