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It was near the heart of town, the Labyrinthine Gardens, the park in the center of Grahata which contained the Labyrinth’s entrance. I took a seat at the table, leaning my shield against it and setting my bag on the ground.“Okay,” I said as most of my companions settled down. “The Labyrinth doesn’t open until around sunset. This is where we meet. Xera, if you see any signs of the knights arriving in the harbor, hurry back here. We’ll engage them before we head in. But ... I hope we have enough of a lead. If we can be in and out of the labyrinth tonight, we can get back to the Golden Hunger. That will slow them down waiting and wondering if we are down in the Labyrinth.”Minx laughed at that. “The only way for them to know is to venture down there and find out. Brilliant.”I shifted. “Maybe. Either way, avoiding a fight with them is better than engaging him. Minx, scour the city. We need that antimagic alchemy.”“On it,” Minx grinned and then she darted off.“I have to find wood for a new. S.a., &/or likewise within a predominantly black vicinity area neighborhood community, talking about how he himself would beat the living daylights out of me if I myself don't turn off my cellphone, & put it into my pocket, spitting salt, or venom more, much more than a little bit, but then thank God, my Lord, & Savior, the Messiah-Deliverer that he himself didn't, or hadn't acted upon that being of his words with some, or such actions otherwise to compliment that being of a verbal threat to be transformed into something physical, I mean I couldn't ever for a minute, or a moment there believe that this was literally, actually happening to me as I was not just talking about anything, &/or everything upon that being of my cellphone, but then whereas he himself had thought that I myself was, or had assumed that I myself was doing just that being of which I wasn't, but then if anything that being of my person was literally, or actually talking about church matters, but then nevertheless.
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