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" "Yes, Miss Sofia?" He forced the words out through a dry throat. "On your knees, pet, and turn around." He did, and his member jumped as he felt her nimble fingers on his skin, and then something else. "I'm finished; turn back now." He obeyed and found that she'd restrained his hands. Looking around, he realized that the top of her bikini was missing. He closed his eyes and gave a low groan and moved his arms, realizing she'd used her top to tie them. It had seemed so flimsy on her, yet now it had no give. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes, his breath racing as he met her gaze. "Now, pet." She settled back on her elbows, then drew her knees up. "Your massage was quite good, but I'm looking for another form of relaxation now. I think you know what I mean." She leaned her knees to the left, then to the right, her legs together and hiding the part of her he was dying to see again. "You do know, don’t you, pet?" He nodded, trying to keep his breathing steady. "All right then.". Our lavish hotel room overlooked the city and the mountains beyond were just visible against the gray sky after dark. We had stayed in or near the hotel the last two nights, enjoying the dining rooms and amenities, but were getting a little ‘cabin fever’ and decided we needed to go out for the night. I’d asked the maitre-de to give me a list of some nice restaurants and we enjoyed a couple drinks on the balcony while we made our selection. Knowing that it would take her longer to get ready, I suggested that she shower first and as I finished my drink and enjoyed the scenery below, I couldn’t help but think how fortunate I was. I was in a fabulous hotel with a woman who met my every fantasy and dream. She was a combination of everything I’d ever wanted in a woman. She was the woman I’d been looking for my entire life and, if that weren’t enough, she seemingly had the same feelings about me. I had just stepped out of the shower. I walked out of the bathroom, as I was drying off, to.
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