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As I am almost done putting things in my truck, a car pulls up beside me, there is my grocery buddy, she is sitting in her car, with her shirt pulled up over her boobs, she said she wanted to make sure I got a great look before she left. She can now see that my dick is hardening through my shorts, she asks if that's her fault, I told her it was, and that I may need a hand in resolving the issue. She tells me to get in her car, and pulls in beside my truck which is the secluded side of the parking lot. She says I can touch her boobs, but nothing else as that is for her husband. I explained that I am married as well, my wife know that I love to look and allows touching on occasion. She asked for me to pull out my dick, it is already hard, she asks if she can jerk me off, to wich I replied "What are you waiting for?" She starts to rub gently and teasingly, taking her time to rub the head, and squeezing to turn it bright purple. I am playing with her erect nipples, she starts to fidget. I also liked the idea of her being in control. I wanted to please her and I wanted her to do what pleased her. The full blown BDSM and D/s fetishes never really appealed to me, but there were many smaller facets of them that seemed intriguing. Light bondage and even some male chastity interested me. I just didn't like the whole humiliation part of it. It just doesn't seem healthy between two people who love each other. If I were to choose a fetish to call my own, it would be the Hot Wife lifestyle with a tiny bit of cuckold thrown in.After several years of marriage, I finally worked up the courage to tell some of these fantasies to Jill. Fortunately, she didn't recoil in horror, but she didn't seem as intrigued by them as I was. I figured that would be the end of it. However, to my surprise and delight, she would on very rare occasions say something during our love making to provoke my fantasies such as "I wish there was another hard cock fucking me in the ass right now" while she.
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