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” She picked out a romantic movie not really to my liking but what the heck. I get the movie ready she brings in 2 glasses of wine, I sit on the couch she starts to sit down but then lays down and puts her head on my lap. We drink a little wine then watch the movie all the time jenny's head is on my lap, I am trying not to get a hard on. The movie ends, Jenny gets up, we finish the wine, she says “it is time to go to bed”.she gives me a kiss on the cheek and says “good night.” The Saturday morning Jenny goes down to Roses store, Rose takes Jenny across the street to a beauty salon, whispers to the owners and then goes back to her store. Hours later Rose goes back to picks Jenny up and when she walks in she is amazed, Jenny was always very pretty but now she is elegant! Back across the street to Roses shore she takes Jenny and start dressing her. After an hour she is done! Jenny is now a princess. She looks up at Rose and says “you will not believe it but I rode my bike. "What's on your mind?" the pretty brunette asked."I'm thinking I want to kiss you," Ken answered as he stared into her eyes.Van was taken aback. It was one thing to look and dress like a girl, but was he ready to act like one? The part of his personality that was Vanessa responded to her friend."I wouldn't stop you if you tried," Vanessa answered shyly.It started out as a gentle touching of his lips against Vanessa's cherry red ones. It quickly progressed into a long and passionate tongue kisses. As Ken ran his hands over Vanessa's body her hands strayed to his groin where they gently rubbed the hard lump they found there causing Ken to shiver to run down his spine.Ken allowed his hands to run down Vanessa's slender arms and over the firm breasts that felt as real as any girl he had been lucky enough to feel up. Eventually, they strayed to the hemline of her skirt and then up under it. He was amazed at how smooth and silky her legs were and how she shivered at his touch. Vanessa.
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