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I was apprehensive of the result of the Empress’s ordeal as was later proven in her animosity recorded in my already published account. Perhaps this additional episode will show that her enmity toward me had a greater cause than the extinguishing of the conflagration at her apartments. I had used the tool that had been the instrument of her previous indignity and reminded many of that earlier occasion.As an anticlimax the naked whores restored their scaffolding and after a period of some hours I launched the intrepid female aerialist. By the afternoon I had recovered sufficiently for a final feu de joie in an unfettered arc of semen. Both events were appreciated by the waiting assemblage but I feared, rightly, that the occurrences of Ladies’ Day would not be forgotten and that the Empress would not forgive. She did not and her displeasure was the eventual cause of my quitting her realms for Blefuscu.End of Chapter One and Only. BrobdingnagChapter One+++As this is to be published as an. He needs to be kept in his place does my slave boy she says as she pumps her soaking cunt up and down on me. I look down the side of my girl to see lisa stepping into the harness and admiring her new appendage! She clips it up reaches for lube and moves towards me with a huge grin on her face like a cat who got the cream. She squirts some lube on her fingers and slaps the cold liquid covered digits onto my quivering ring. She pushes the lube around my ring then squeezes a couple of fingers into me easily now with all the lube. She lifts my legs which in turn pushes me deeper into my girl. But now she has access to me. She scoots herself in and with another squirt of lube on the cock she pushes against my arse.I relax for her and slowly and nicely she enters me, with a beginners clumsiness she pushes in gets herself deep inside me. Slowly she pulls out and slowly in. I hook my ankles around her bum and help her get a good rhythm going. So I'm being well and truly fucked! Marisa is.
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