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Sometimes he even brought it back to me. Most often I had to run to the ball in order to throw it again. Fortunately, I was in good physical shape. After half an hour of inconstant running, I warmed up considerably. Kane would have played our simple game for hours until he collapsed from exhaustion."Don't you want your breakfast?"He paused as if considering my question. Dogs are proven to understand hundreds of human words, or at least make good guesses about them. His ears perked up, and his head swiveled in the direction of our neighbor, Mr. Jones' house. I had heard their back door slide open. High pitched barks danced around behind the solid fence between our lots.Kane ran to the fence and with a flurry of his paws attempted to dig through the sturdy wooden planks. His barks were like thunder. The base of that particular section of fence was lined with holes he had dug trying to access the fertile bitch next door. When I was forced to raise the fence's height, I hired a. “The first couple times your towel was open in the front as you walked past my room, I didn’t think much of it, but, come on. How dumb do you think I am? After the fourth or fifth time your penis was hanging out as you stood in my doorway telling me to sleep tight, I knew you were showing me on purpose. I never said anything because I thought you’d just get over it once you found a girlfriend or something.”I was obviously caught, and my whole body felt numb as I sheepishly admitted my perversion. I’m so sorry,” I muttered as I started subconsciously stroking myself again. “I’m such a creep. I couldn’t help myself. I just always wanted to see you naked for some reason and you seeing me was the closest thing to it, aside from putting a camera in the bathroom or something. I’m so fucked up.”“Relax. I know how horny boys get,” she replied nervously.“Please don’t tell anyone,” I pleaded desperately.“I won't tell anyone, but you can’t jack off in front of your little sister while my.
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