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S., as that being of the devil is like a roaring lion with his demons seeking to steal, kill, & destroy, & other than that, or with all things considered, & whereas I myself would just like to say that I don't pledge allegiance, or loyalty to somebody, or something else unless they themselves being of individual persons, &/or collective bodies of people/s were truly an ally of loyalties much rather than instead of possibly being of the enemy for these here end-times, or for that being of an apocalyptic day, & age, & whereas that being of the-doom's-day-clock is now at a couple, or a few minutes to midnight compared on to how previously, or prior to then it was at a quarter to midnight for our new millennium, &/or for these biblically-prophetic-times of this post-911-era, & especially seeing how as that being of a calendar year goes by one after the other in succession, or following that being of another whereas it would more than seem like as if that being of the world is acquiring. But what if Daddy didn’t like him? Tried to make me ‘see reason’ and give him up? I still didn’t know how Nallen was going to explain himself, he just didn’t make any sense in terms of Earth culture. At least I hadn’t missed my usual weekly call with Mom, she would have gone insane with worry if that had happened.Aneeka rubbed my shoulders, trying to calm my racing nerves, only partially successfully. How would I explain Aneeka? Would either of us even try?My thoughts threaded to spiral out of control again. I tamped down on all these unproductive thoughts. I patted Aneeka’s hand where it still rested, I doubt my attempt at a smile reassured her, “Thanks.”Wanallee paced back and forth, worried for a different reason. Nallen and I were going someplace thaumaturgy wouldn’t work, someplace none of us could even legally go armed. I think that last concerned her more than the first. She was used to carrying weapons as a matter of course, that it was a basic part of being a citizen rather.
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