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. He remember why he had follow Harry is his room...This morning, while in the great hall,He had wait for Harry to arrive just to see his face after his meeting with McGonagall but he had been displease by Harry quite happy face... Drago had watch Harry approach his friend who ignore him until he spoke two phrase... Then magically they became friendly again.Malfoy was not so disturb by this but what happened next will always been impregnated in his memories.Harry Potter said something into Hermione ear. Drago had clearly observe The mudblood lift the back of her robe, put her hand in her panty and ram her thumb in her ass. She then proceed to twist it around what has seems like a minute to Drago who was quite aroused by all this. But what really made him horny in all this was that Hermione was doing this in the middle of the great hall.Teacher could have been watching... Student were watching! Him and Goyle were at the first place Just to her right back.What The dirty girl did after. “Kiss them, Phil. Kiss them and suck my nipples. Tickle them with your tongue. Taste them and pleasure them for me, please.” I moved to a lower step in front of her, leaned toward her, and feasted on her tits. They tasted so damned good I didn’t want to stop. With my lips around her nipples I felt them grow hard as I massaged them with the tip of my tongue. My cock became as hard as the Rock of Gibraltar and raised a tent in my hospital pajamas that a half blind person could have seen from a distance. Edna reached forward and tugged it out and uttered, “Oh, oh, oh, mmmm. I need to play with that pretty toy, Phil,” She began gently stroking up and down the shaft of my dick with her fingers. Then she cupped my nut sack in her hand and massaged my balls between her fingers as precum began to leak from the head of my tool and down the shaft onto Edna’s hand. When she felt it, she raised her hand to her lips, licked my juice off, and swallowed it after savoring it on her tongue for a few.
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