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They flew down the hill of a dirt street and when at the bottom, hauled it back up the street with a rope and down again. They were having a great time. His father was yelling at him to help with the pig they had to slaughter for the Sunday feast. He saw his father cutting the pigs’ throat and the rivers of blood that poured out. He detested the pigs high pitched squealing, the blood and guts, just about everything associated with the pigs’ demise. He kept those feelings to himself and on the rare occasion when it was impossible not to, his father would belittle him and tell him he wasn’t a man if he showed any sign of weakness or emotion. His father was a hard man. He was an immigrant and rarely spoke about his childhood or how he came to this country. He was full of pride in his accomplishments and conquests of the opposite sex. The man regretted that he didn’t really know his father. What was he thinking? Why was he bullying and mean? Was it some kind of self preservation? He. There was always something magical about a female hand on his private parts. He felt himself getting excited as she stroked up his legs, and as she touched his balls from behind he nearly jumped with ecstasy. She stroked his balls and groin for a while, sending waves of ecstasy through him.Then he rolled over. His naked body lay exposed beneath hers. Her hands began to massage his stomach, softly, gently, lighting him up like wildfire. He thought he would die of desire, as he lay there, exposed, open, his raging passion open for her to see, nonchalantly. Her hands felt like electric currents upon his skin, lighting a trail of glory in their wake.She began to stroke the inside of his legs. He was very sensitive inside his legs, and with each move of the hand his body leaped. Her hands against his skin felt like magic. She stroked the underside of his cock, hands as light as a feather, fondling it, caressing it, stroking it soothingly. He closed his eyes and let waves of pleasure rush.
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