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She was great at the Blue Cat, too, helping out wherever was needed andgreat with the customers, who all to a person loved her. She had anatural touch with the eccentric characters who drifted into the shop,handling these often vulnerable souls with as much delicacy and care asshe did their precious, often worthless, possessions."Glaciers melt," Grace opined, "maybe not in our lifetime, but they melt.Actually, they're melting all the time."Meanwhile, Walt kept fine-tuning the tandem bicycle. Hardly a day passedwhen he didn't offer an update on his progress, even when progress meantredoing some part he'd done, seemingly to his satisfaction, three timesalready. The bicycle was close to being finished, just one or twoimprovements away, for so long now that Marcia, laughing, couldn't helpbut point out that those improvements would no doubt need to be furtherimproved the next day, ad infinitum. Date of projected completion: theday after Eternity."You're like Sisyphus and this bicycle is. He had my boobs in the way, but I leaned over a little bit, so he could see."You make feel so damn good, Tim. So much better than your father," I said."Well, I know a thing or two about pleasing the ladies," Tim replied.I got down, and laid on top of him. I got close to him, and whispered something."I know how to please you, Tim. I can give wonderful blow jobs. I'll suck your cock so well, that you'll wanna cum twenty rivers, and Tim?" I asked."Yes?" Tim asked."I want you to cum all over my face, I want every single drop you can give me. Do you understand?" I asked.He just nodded, I guess he loved that idea. I knew Jeanette couple gave wonderful blow jobs, but I wasn't about to just stand down, and let her win that contest. I did love giving James head, but it seemed that work always came first. So, I was really happy I could suck on Tim's cock. I wasn't sure how long our arrangement would last, but I was determined to make it last as long as I could. I took his cock into my mouth.
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