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[closing my eyes] I take all of Benjamin's big dick into my mouth [gagging] He stands me up and walks me over to the sofa. Lay down! Benjamin says. I lay on my back spreading my legs. Benjamin's big dick is rock hard all covered with my saliva. He gets on his knees and starts licking my pussy. That's it baby! Lick my pussy! Benjamin slides 2 fingers into my pussy. Oh shit! Look at the professional pussy eater. I say. He sucks on my clit. Damn baby! Who taught you how to eat pussy? He didn't answer just continued licking my pussy. I don't know who's better at eating pussy. Benjamin or Sheila! One day I gots to find out. Yes baby! Yes baby! Oh! Oh baby! Eat my fucking pussy just like that! Yes baby! Fuck! Fuck! I'm about to cum. Do you want to taste it? You fucking pussy eater? [Moaning louder] Yes I want to taste it. Says Benjamin. Here it comes! Here it comes! Oh shit! Fuck! Stick your tongue out bitch! Taste my pussy. Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccck! Turn around and get. ”Kendrick smiled and left the podium. As he left, I could hear people start talking. The comments I heard were split between my doing what I said I would do and anger at the woman that had asked a personal question. The security personnel were briefed to keep the doors locked for one minute after we were gone.As soon as Kendrick joined us, we made a quick, attention-grabbing exit. The lobby was fairly busy, so it was impossible to not notice a fast moving mass of nine men and a Bushbie as they entered the hotel lobby. The three men in the front row broke into a run and entered one of the two elevators, which immediately departed for the roof. The rest of us quickly moved to the second elevator, boarded it, and departed the lobby.By the time the media representatives were able to exit the conference room, we were on the way to the hotel roof. We had moved through the lobby so fast that we left a trail of surprised guests and media support personnel in our wake. The roof had its normal.
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