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Donating everyday was starting to tally up! Although you had stoped donating, "The Witch" still waits for you to get close, then she stands obstructing your way with the word "Please" and a scabby hand that begs for your hard earned money. Since you stopped paying she became more and more irate with you. You appeased her yesterday by promising to donate so that she would stand aside, Which today you would of done...But today you have nothing but a 20 dollar bill, and she wearnt getting that!You walk the tunnel with your head purposly staring down at your shoes, perhaps she won't notice today? Well chance will be a fine thing! Your heels were clip clopping the concrete floor as you strided through. You come to a complete stop when you are obstructed by the tunnel lady. Without looking up you kindly suggest "Excuse me" She wasn't moving and did not respond. You slowly lift your head a make eye contact with this wreached lady. "Hello miss," said the tunnel lady. "I've been waiting for. Natalie followed her friends. She was confused. In Marissa's bedroom, she became further confused when Brooke and Kristen began to undress."You're both going to have sex with him?" questioned Natalie."He can stay hard the longest time," said Kristen."Get undressed," recommended Brooke. "You're going to want to try him."Natalie looked at her friends strangely. They were her best friends and she didn't know they were all sleeping with the same boy?Marissa stepped in and looked baffled at Natalie's clothed appearance. "You can try him if you want." Marissa began to undress."That's what we told her," said Kristen."So?" asked Marissa."I don't even know him," said Natalie, somewhat exasperated."What until you see his cock!" excitedly said Brooke."It's so perfect!" said Kristen. "It makes me hornier just thinking about it."When Marissa was naked, she left to wait for Steve to arrive."Tell me more about this Steve," said Natalie."You wouldn't think he was so great from just looking at him,".
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