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Nice big breasts. I liked her a lot and I knew Sadie would too. When she saw the pic, she said, “Grab her. Soon as she can.”I left it there for the night.Guyanagirl and I moved off the site and on to email. Her name was Kira and she was a laboratory technician. We chatted about this and that; she was interested in local history and would spend some lunchtimes at the library. She was also interested in where her family had come from. The Indian community in Trinidad and Tobago consisted largely of workers brought over when slavery had been abolished and the plantation owners had to try to keep their businesses going without the benefit of free labour. The Indians were not slaves as such, but were paid very little: “indentured” workers, they were referred to as, the word meaning contracted, so they weren't forced to work, but bound by a contract that presumably was better than what was on offer at home.Sometimes I found myself deep in an email conversation with Kira, forgetting that. "Jack," came a faint female voice, "is that you?" Yes, who is this?" It's... Margaret..." came the weak voice, "ummm... Jack I know this is a bad time but... oh shit, hold on a sec..." her voice cut out and was followed by the sound of retching. She came back a moment later with the sound of a toilet flushing in the background."Are you still there?" Yes. Are you ok Margaret? You sound awful." Yes, I'm ok for the moment I think," she said with a rueful laugh, "I think I ate something I shouldn't have though. The thing is that I don't think I can cover your shift at the library tomorrow morning. I've been puking since... I don't know about an hour ago, but I keep thinking it will go away, but then I get sick again." Geez, I understand. Ah... damn that sucks. I'll have to go in then tomorrow and work I guess," replied Jack softly, feeling let down."Hey, I'm really sorry. I'm going to the health center in the morning and if I'm feeling better, I'll try to make sure that I can get there.
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